September 24, 2016

Alien Effects - 100+ Years After "The War of the Worlds"

It’s been over 100 years since the serial publication of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds (1898) introduced us to the terrifying concept of alien attacks. The 1938 teleplay version incited panic in the listening public and has become the stuff of legends.

We are still being inspired by the idea to this day.

A plethora of books, games, and movies from scary to silly with settings ranging from Earth to galaxies far, far away have followed in the wake of Wells’ ground-breaking story of extra-terrestrials. In turn these iterations have inspired real-life scientific breakthroughs as well as fantastical imaginings of worlds far away.

Our homage to the alien incursion genre takes a much less serious edge than some, while still embracing that tension and turmoil so essential to capturing the true spirit of the theme.

We Come in Peace is a fast-paced, exciting game of exponential chaos. It’s “no guts, no glory” in this dice-rolling game of aggressive extra-terrestrial warfare.

Available now for your gaming pleasure, We Come in Peace is a great addition to any space fanatic’s collection, no matter what universe they call home!